6 Benefits of Past Life Regression


Other than a general curiosity about who you may have been in a past life, what’s the point of a past life regression? I used to have this same question. Knowing that the chances of having been someone famous enough to still be known today is pretty low, what’s the point? The life I’m living now is the one that matters, afterall. Getting caught up in what I did in the past is tantamount to being stuck in who you were in high school. My opinion has changed after studying, experiencing, and now offering past life regression.

1. Learn from previously incomplete lessons

Believers in reincarnation see it as the way a soul gains learning experiences here in this school we call Earth. With that in mind, learning the focus of a person’s past lives can inform what she focuses on today. For example, if one of the main lessons for a person in her past life was to build vulnerable connections, yet she chose to avoid them, then it’s reasonable to think that lesson was not learned, and, therefore, will likely repeat.

That individual might take a look at her current life and see many acquaintances, but few close bonds. Or, perhaps, she has gone the other way and is a bit too needy with people, thereby pushing them away. Whatever her current behavior, it would benefit her to take a look at her current relationships and be honest with herself about whether she is doing her best to develop deep, healthy connections.

2. Improve repeating relationships

In addition to discovering incomplete lessons as a way of informing your current life, past life regression can shed light on current relationships. Maybe you’ve never gotten along well with a parent or sibling, though you’ve both tried. Learning how a relationship has played out in past lives can help. I’ve seen long-held resentment melt away in a single session.

One client learned that he had died holding on to heavy guilt. In his past life, he was an angry man and that anger kept him from showing love and affection toward his son. He had been mistreated, himself, and lived a difficult life, causing him to be filled with deep-seated anger. He didn’t intend to take that out on his family but he was unable to stop. This man recognized that his son, in that past life, was now his older brother, for whom he’d always felt unexplained resentment. He’d chalked it up to jealousy, having always been told this by his parents, but that didn’t really explain it. The brothers were very different from one another and my client didn’t want the life his brother lead. Their parents had treated them equally and they each had their own accomplishments, so he didn’t feel there was a reason for jealousy.

During the past life regression, my client was able to feel and release the guilt over the way he’d treated his son. Seeing the difficulties of that life from a distance, he was able to forgive himself. When he came out of hypnosis, he felt a rush of love for his brother. He understood that the resentment was really pent up guilt that had morphed and followed him into his current relationship with his brother. He recognized that he could now give his brother all the love and affection he wasn’t able to give in their past relationship.

3. Release physical symptoms

One of the more commonly known benefits of past life regression is the release of unexplainable or recurring physical symptoms. In some cases, a traumatic or violent event from a past life can reverberate in a person’s current body. Visiting the past life to witness the event from an emotionally safe vantage point can relieve the symptoms.

Brian Weiss, author of Many Lives, Many Masters, was unintentionally introduced to past life regression when he regressed a client to the earliest source of her symptoms. He expected her to find something traumatic in her current childhood, but she went back much further. Even while facilitating the hypnosis session, Weiss didn’t believe what was happening. However, after having treated the woman for weeks with no improvement, the regression to her past life alleviate her symptoms for good.

4. Release emotional symptoms

Emotional symptoms can sometimes be released as well as the physical. Of course, there are plenty of cases when emotional issues originate from a person’s current life. Other times, however, a current-life trauma has not been discovered or it’s been thoroughly treated with no resolve. It is possible to discover past life trauma as an earlier reason for a person’s current discomfort. Many times, a person encounters the same type of trauma over several lives, so witnessing the earliest instance can help the individual access and heal from it.

It’s also possible for a person to gain relief from emotional stressors by seeing lives where they haven’t had the issue. If a person is prone to feeling hopeless and catastrophizing difficult events, seeing himself living a past life where he felt happy can shift him into a place of hope. He can see that his own happiness is possible. The same can be applied to feelings of being unlovable. Finding a past life where there was love and support can open a client to a perspective that being loved is not only possible, it has happened.

5. Learn your life’s purpose

One of the most important ways a past life regression can have a major impact on a person’s current life is by visiting the place between lives. After a client is regressed through the major points of a past life, she continues on to a between life regression. This is where she can call on guides to help her understand that life, what the lessons were, how she did with them, and which will need to be continued. After regressing to the most current past life, a person can find out exactly where things stand for her soul’s path, coming into this life. These are the lessons she can most directly apply to where she is now. It brings clarity to her purpose, what she needs to learn and experience, what direction she should go, and what she should focus on. This can act as a blueprint for where to go from here.

6. Reduce the fear of death

When a person sees the progress of his soul, from life to life, and experiences the love and support that occurs between lives, it can relieve the worry that nothing comes after death. He experiences a larger plan, a connection to loving support from the other side, and a reunion with those he’s loved in this lifetime. It encourages him to see that he will go on to develop and grow as part of a connected spiritual community. This goes a long way in reducing the anxiety most people feel around death.



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