Combined Hypnosis and Brainspotting!
Hypnosis utilizes a relaxed, focused state to reinforce healing, inner strength, and calm. Powerful clinical protocols build self-acceptance and confidence while creating new, positive emotional associations and patterns.
Brainspotting engages connected neuro-networks in the brain that are related to past trauma. It is a gentle way to release the symptoms and patterns of traumatic experiences without reliving them.
Accelerated healing
Brainspotting brings you into a deeply focused, trance-like state. It releases the emotional charge in all the neurons connected to a trauma response. Individuals see improvement after each session!
This natural trance-like state of Brainspotting is the perfect segue into hypnosis. You are already in a prepared and receptive place to build up a positive sense of self.
Brainspotting releases the emotional damage of trauma and hypnosis replaces it with strength and resilience!
2-hour sessions
In-person and virtual sessions available
Payment plans options