Shamanic Energy Healing in Portland

and Virtually

Shamanic painting of a healing hand

Shamanic energy healing

Energy Healing, intuitive guidance, realignment, and more!

This powerful process invites your guides to participate in the healing. I offer intuitive guidance and information that I receive from your energy body and your guides. Energy clearing is offered in Portland and virtually.

I clear the energy centers of the body, bring them into alignment with each other, and clear the energy field surrounding the body. After the clearing we end with bathing in powerful healing energy to replace all that was removed with Universal Light.

This healing is included in the HypnoShamanic Healing process and is often a favorite for my clients. Being surrounded by your highest level of Lightworkers is a feeling of love, support, and connection that is hard to compare with anything else.

Each session is unique and each session is a powerful!

Energy clearing includes

  • Review of your energy body for intrusions, misalignment, or other concerns

  • Bring your energy centers into balance and align the flow from one to the next

  • Cut negative energy cords

  • Remove foreign energies

  • Smudge and clear the auric field

  • Intuitive guidance and information from your guides and your energy body

  • Connect with your guides, power animals, or angels

  • Receive powerful healing energy, replacing everything that is removed

  • 1.5 to 2 hours

  • Cost: $200 per session

  • Free 30-minute phone consultation

  • Virtual and in-person options available