All Self-Talk Is Self-Hypnosis

There’s something I still grapple with on occasion. See if this sounds familiar to you. I’ll have a powerful, moving spiritual experience, only to start second-guessing it about 20 minutes later. I’m really good at that one! Anyone else?

I see people asking, “Is it real?” and “Did it work?” in my sessions all the time. And yet, we have total faith in our worries as strong possibilities. No one has ever told me about anxiety over a possible negative outcome and then asked, “Is this a real possibility?” They already have total faith that it is!

All self-talk is self-hypnosis

We imagine unwanted outcomes all the time. We spend hours envisioning the possibilities we don't want. We never ask ourselves, ”Is this real?” If we use that time to enjoy a positive vision of the future, at the very least, our here and now feels better!

In the imagination, everything is real

When you watch a movie and react by crying over a sad scene or stressing out over the chase scene, your body and subconscious act as if it's happening. Sure, logically, you know they’re actors, and the story is fictional, but the impact on your emotions is real. Your subconscious mind takes everything literally and says, “As you wish.”

And that's where deep healing can happen. That's where manifestation can happen. It just requires a little faith in the positive.

What if you envision yourselves as healthy, thin, a non-smoker, without pain, self-motivated, and getting things done? - Pick the one you’re working toward. What if you use the same faith you have in your anxieties to expect a positive outcome?

But what if the worst happens and I’m not prepared?

It helps us feel ready when we’ve thought through all the negative outcomes we can. However, we can generally handle things that don’t go our way without much preparation. And, if things go well, how much time did we spend feeling worried over something that never happened?

It’s worth it to have faith in the positive AND faith in ourselves to handle whatever happens.

Mindsets are a habit

This doesn’t happen overnight. Believe me, I get that! I still have to remind myself to stop imagining the worst and play a best-case scenario through my mind’s eye. I also need to remind myself to see a learning opportunity when something I expected to go one way goes another.

How we think is a habit, just like brushing your teeth in the morning. Habits of mind take time to change. It helps to remember that your body and subconscious mind are always listening and taking everything literally.

Try asking yourself, “What if it’s possible things go well?”

What it’s possible is better than affirmations!

Affirmations tend to create emotional pushback. You’re telling yourself something you know isn’t true. Sure, if you say it enough, it can have a positive impact, but it could take years to sink in if the reality doesn’t match what you’re telling yourself.

Instead, ask yourself, “What if it’s possible I’m getting ______” (healthier, more motivated, richer, etc). We get pushback when we don’t believe a statement but not when we open to a possibility.

That's where the magic happens! That’s how you can pull yourself out of worry and rumination and bring your mind to a positive image.

The things you imagine and say to yourself build your reality.

Build one that feels good.

Reach out and tell me about your “What if it’s possible.” I’d love to hear it!


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