Plant Medicine Integration
Plant Medicine Integration Versus Shamanic Healing
I sometimes speak with people wondering if they can use shamanic hypnosis to support or integrate a plant medicine journey. Or they are on the fence about which process to go with. This blog sheds light on how these two processes can support one another.
Similar with More Intention
Many of my clients who have participated in plant medicine ceremonies, such as ayahuasca or psilocybin, report similar experiences in our sessions. They sense symbolic visuals and profound healing energy moving through them.
One difference is that in a HypnoShamanic journey, the process is more intentional. It is possible to follow an intention while using plant medicine, but many people encounter quickly changing visuals or ideas that may feel a bit meandering.
Journeying with a spirit helper through a structured process with a clear healing intention can be more concentrated and easier to integrate. The healing is laser-focused, and therefore the results are specific. In a plant medicine journey, it is difficult to hold the energy of the intention once the journey begins.
I have noticed that people who report having had a plant medicine journey may have an easier time relaxing into a HypnoShamanic session.
They feel more relaxed in letting go and allowing the process to ebb and flow. However, clients who have never worked with plant medicine are just as successful. Plant work is not needed to receive healing through hypnosis; it simply adds a layer of spiritual practice upon which to build.
Gentle Healing
For folks who haven’t done plant medicine but are thinking yet worried about it, shamanic hypnosis is a more gentle alternative. I cannot advise people to use or not use plant medicine. That is a personal choice and one you should research before making a decision.
It can be powerfully healing and can also cause people to feel like their ego self has been shattered in a way that makes it hard to move forward. Having support before, during, and after is a best practice to consider.
Hypnosis is another window beyond the conscious mind that can heal in a similar yet gentle way. Integration is built into the process of a hypnosis session. You can experience concentrated yet manageable healing.
If you’re worried that plant medicine might be too jarring, you might consider shamanic hypnosis as preparation or an alternative.
Plan Medicine Integration
Hypnosis creates a relaxed focus where messages from plant medicine can be revisited for clarity and integration. Using shamanic practice, my clients work with a Spirit Helper who offers guidance and support in understanding the messages.
For example, knowing where our pain or old patterns come from doesn’t necessarily alleviate the pain or stop the pattern.
We can know we are activated from past abuse, but that doesn’t stop the triggering the next time something reminds us of the abuse.
Integration reduces the pain and activation points and offers supportive advice, tips, tools, and techniques we can use to continue the healing. This is the kind of specifics that people get from their Spirit Helpers.
This is where we can ask for clear-cut information, such as how or what to do with the message.
With help from Spirit, people can get definitive details on what to do to support their healing. This may be a specific type of meditation or energy work, an area of learning to follow, or specific habits to start or stop.
Shamic hypnosis is a powerful way to integrate and continue the healing received from a plant medicine journey.
If you’ve had a plant medicine journey and want support integrating or continuing the healing, reach out.