Soul Retrieval FAQ

What is soul retrieval?

A soul retrieval is an ancient shamanic practice that exists in just about every shamanic culture ever studied. It involves recovering lost essence, energy, or “soul parts” that have dislodged due to trauma.

This soul loss doesn’t mean you’re separated from that soul essence. It’s more like it’s hiding under the metaphorical bed, stuck in a state of fear, sadness, hurt, or other difficult emotions. It’s drawing off vital life force that can cause a person to feel tired, uncertain of themselves, lackluster about life, or even fearful.

How does soul retrieval work?

Traditionally, a shamanic practitioner goes into a trance state and, with the help of their spirit guides, recovers the soul part and integrates it back into the body. The client is generally laying down and waiting.

However, my process is more interactive and utilizes hypnosis so you can participate as well as heal on an emotional level - as well as spiritually.

Bringing the soul essence back into the integrated whole is like having your full self back.

It is a powerful part of healing and stepping into your authentic self.

How is my process different?

  1. My HypnoShamanic soul retrieval process is done in tandem with the client. First, I use hypnosis to help you release and reframe the emotional aspects of the trauma.

  2. Rather than integrating the soul energy right away, we take it to a healing place where your power animal or guide will aid the release of fear, hurt, and other difficult feelings.

    During this healing time, you’ll have homework to visit your soul part and let them get to know the current you.

  3. In our second session, about a week later, we’ll use hypnosis and the element of Fire to release anything left that needs to heal. We will both have work to do during the integration so you have a fuller experience of the process.

  4. Next, we visit the Healing Waters to soothe the way for your reclaimed, integrated soul essence to spread out and feel at home.

  5. Lastly, we celebrate! You’ll invite the energy of friends, family, loved ones, and spirit helpers to join you in a celebration of your own soul’s homecoming.

    This joyful process solidifies your powerful healing.

What are the benefits of soul retrieval?

Each person is unique in how they feel after a soul retrieval. Some people feel a strong difference right away while others experience a more subtle, yet powerful impact over time.

Some Benefits of soul retrieval healing

  • No longer triggered by the traumatic event

  • Feel more whole and authentically yourself

  • Confidence in being yourself around others

  • Able to trust the moment and be present

  • More energy, motivation, and passion

  • Able to connect and trust others

  • Underlying feeling of calm and peace

  • Less reactive and more accepting

  • Experience less anxiety and fear

  • Experience less depression

What should I expect from a HypnoSHamanic soul retrieval session?

These sessions last about 1.5 to 2 hours each. We start with creating an intention statement to set a clear trajectory for your healing.

Once we have an intention statement, We’ll begin hypnosis. This is a state or relaxation and focus. Where we’ll call your spirit helpers to support the healing process.

You’ll have time to spend with a power animal or spirit guide, allowing that connection to become clear. You can come back to this connection for help and healing on your own in the future.

You will feel guided and supported by me and your guide throughout the process. We’ll use clinical hypnosis to explore and release old emotional triggers and shamanic practice to reclaim your lost energy.

Who can benefit from soul retrieval?

Everyone has experienced soul loss. It’s a way of coping and can be caused by “capital-T trauma” or “lower case-t trauma.” A simple snide comment can cause part of us to shut down emotionally and soul essence to split off.

Anyone willing to explore emotional and spiritual healing at the deepest levels can benefit from a soul retrieval.

My unique HypnoShamanic Healing process brings you fully into the experience for holistic healing.

How to prepare for a soul retrieval session

Because this healing process is based on an intention - wanting to heal a specific aspect of yourself and your life - it’s a good idea to know what aspect that is.

This may be something like healing a block in becoming more emotionally connected to people. It may be something like wanting to gain confidence in being your true, authentic self. It could be to release triggers related to a specific relationship or trauma.

Having a sense of what you’d like to improve is a great starting point for a soul retrieval process.

A curious mind and authentic willingness to explore and grow is a great mindset to have when starting this powerful healing process.

How often should one undergo a soul retrieval session?

Traditionally, a soul retrieval was done within 3 days after a trauma has occurred. Of course, in today’s world, it’s often been years or even decades since a traumatic event has taken place. A general rule of thumb is to tackle one intentional healing at a time and leave at least 6 months before starting another.

For some individuals, a single soul retrieval is all that’s needed to gain the healing they need. Other people find they want to continue with deeper levels of healing, after a period of integration.


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