Group past life regression hypnosis online event
Learn about yourself and your soul's path
Review a past life and the way it impacts you today
Meet with a spirit guide or helper to assist your journey
Find out about your karma and what you're still working on
Visit the between lives/Higher Self and review the lessons of your past life
Curious to try a past life regression but not enough to pay for a one-on-one session?
Now's your chance!
Can't make it at this time? - No problem. All participants will get an email with a link to listen to the recording.
You can use this link for up to 3 days after the live event is over. Get it in by that following weekend, though! The link will expire on Sunday, April 29th at 11:59PM
**Note, this replay link will be available for 3 days after the live session.**
Certified hypnotherapist, Nicole Corbett, has been successfully leading people in past life regressions for more than four years. Bring your curiosity and open mind and have fun on this spiritual adventure.
How to get ready
Find a cosy, quiet place where you can be undisturbed for about an hour and a half
Have a blanket available, as people often lower in body temperature as they relax
Have a notebook and pen or note-taking app ready to take notes when we're done
Thursday, April 27 at 7:00 to 8:30 PM Pacific Time
Tickets $27.00